Just released

Welcome to the Author's Website for "Return to Hunterville and the Manuka Honey Shop". For those that have purchased and read my novel, or those that are contemplating doing so.....thank you very much. Greatly appreciated.

I will visit this site at least once weekly and if demand dictates more often (even daily). If you have any questions at all about my novel, or what lead to it, or why I chose to write a contemporary love story about 2 twenty-something year olds (William and Aoife) please ask.

For those reading or having read my novel can you please do one thing for me...............every time a song is mention in the novel please play the song in the background as you read that passage. I guarantee it will increase your reading pleasure exponentially. I promise !! It did for me and it will for you. Some of them are tear-jerkers for sure ! Within the next week I will post a playlist of those songs referred to in my novel. Just to make it a little bit easier. Easy to download from iTunes or similar or just play via uTube...happy reading, Stuart

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